Hunting Tips, Questions, Stories & Discussion

Focusing on managing Texas wildlife habitat and natural resources for native and exotic wild game species, for this and future generation of hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.

Friday, May 8, 2009


What supplies should I plan to bring on elk cow hunts at Escondido Ranch?

As with any type of hunt on Escondido Ranch, elk cow hunts are going to be done from stands and blinds. You will therefore be somewhat protected from the elements, however it is a good idea to wear your clothing in layers so you can adjust for temperature changes. Another important consideration is to bring a couple of bottles of water with you. Binoculars and a camera are useful as well.

It is also important to bring enough ammunition and a sighted in gun with you. During the hunt is not a time to check to see if your gun is accurate or if your scope is correctly adjusted. Elk cow hunts do require skill so you want to be able to rely fully on your equipment to be shooting exactly where you aim.

In the wild, what are the natural predators of the species?
Since the elk is one of the largest of the deer family, the elk has only a few natural predators in the wild. This doesn't mean that on elk cow hunts these huge animals are complacent or inattentive of their surroundings. The natural predators of the elk include wolves and bears and in some areas mountain lions or cougars are also a problem for wild herds.

On managed game reserves and ranches typically the only predators on elk cow hunts are going to be the hunters themselves. Elk that have been hunted on ranches become very wary of even slight noises and sounds when they are approaching feeders and moving along game trails. These animals are very aware of their surrounding and despite their massive size they can quickly blend into the forest and move silently away from any perceived danger or threat. Hunters in blinds need to avoid moving or causing any type of sound as the cows move along their paths or move in towards feeders.

Are bull elk a concern for hunters during the fall elk cow hunts?

Bull elk are aggressive during the rut although they will typically avoid anything that looks, smells or sounds like a human. There have been recorded instances of bull elk charging people on horseback that have somehow stumbled upon a herd of cows that is under the protection of a bull elk during the rut.

They are, of course, highly aggressive in running off other bull elk that may be trying to take over their harem or herd of females. In the wild a mature bull elk may have up to 50 to 60 cows in his harem, however on managed game ranches the number is much likely to be less than 10.

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Monday, May 4, 2009


Why do most Texas hunters recommend using a blind?

A blind is one of the not so secret of the many Texas doe hunting tips. One reason a blind works so well is that it is elevated above the line of sight for the deer as they come into the feeder or as they walk along the trails. Deer are not naturally going to be looking up for predators; rather they look down and horizontally along their natural line of sight.

Another reason why Texas doe hunting tips often include the use of a blind or stand is because in Texas, unlike in many states, it is legal to feed the deer to bring them into a designated area. Setting up a blind or stand in this situation practically assures the hunter that some type of game animal will come up to feed, establishing a pattern that the hunter can then use. In states and areas where feeding is not permitted, stands or blinds are not as effective as there is no way to specifically draw the deer or animals into the area where the blind is located.

What are the key elements of safety with Texas doe hunting tips?

It is always so important to know where everyone in the hunting party is located at all times to avoid any potential hunting accidents or injuries. It is amazing how many hunters don't always know when others are in the area or where they are specifically located. On Escondido Ranch hunting from blinds only ensures that all hunters are safely located in a confined space, above the line of fire from anyone else hunting from a blind. This is one of the biggest Texas doe hunting tips that provides safety for everyone involved.

Another of the safety conscious Texas doe hunting tips is that the staff at the ranch checks out each blind or stand on a regular basis to make sure it is safe and secure. Any repairs that are needed are completed immediately, ensuring that everyone is in a very well built, secure blind or stand at all times.

When is calling for does the most effective?

If you are going to try to call in the deer, Texas doe hunting tips on this topic state that the best time is in the late spring and through the fall when the does are "talking" to their fawns and the juvenile members of the herd. The two most important types of calls that can be used to attract does is a typical fawn call, almost like a bawling sound, and a higher pitched distress call that signals to the doe that the fawn needs help. Curious does will investigate a grunt call as well.
There are several CDs and videos that are available through various deer hunting clubs and websites that provide good quality recordings of these sounds. If you are going to try this, be sure to start practicing a few weeks in advance and get your calls down before you are actually out on the hunt.

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